BRW-500 BlastMax®
BRW-500 BlastMax® is an economical blast-resistant outside glazed, front set ribbon window which can be shop glazed for ease of installation. It has tested to all ASTM, GSA and DoD blast standards.

Product Features [-]
- System dimensions: 3″ x 5″ mullion, 1-3/4″ x 5″ jambs, 1-5/16″ laminated insulating glass
- Front set, exterior glazed configurations
- Preglazed for ease of installation
- Structural silicone glazed
- Optional SSG Mullion
- No exposed fasteners
- Screw spline joinery
- Factory painted Kynar 500 Hylar 500 finishes meeting all provisions of AAMA 605.2-94 and AAMA 2805-98
- Factory anodized finishing
- ASTM F1642 compliant
- UFC (DoD) 4-010-01 compliant
- GSA / ISC compliant
Product Performance [-]
- Air Infiltration – <.06 CFM/sq.ft. (6.24 PSF) per ASTM E283
- Static Water – 15 PSF per ASTM E331
- Deflection Load +/- 40 PSF per ASTM E330
- Structural Load +/- 60 PSF per ASTM E3300
- Thermal Performance per AAMA 1503 for clear 1-5/16″ insulated glazing – U Factor 0.55 – CRF Frame 66
- NFRC Certified
- Thermal Performance Characteristics per AAMA 507
- ASTM F 1642 – No hazard
- UFC 4-010-01 – level of protection – Medium
- GSA Performance Condition – 2
Product Details
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